Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rebirth of Slick

It's been awhile since I have blogged, Brian Swain your blogs awakening has inspired me a little. But, I have been wanting to get back into the blogging game, but had simply nothing to discuss. There is nothing interesting about work, study, sleep, play; however, doing mindless calculations day after day has me feeling like my creativity is being watered down day after day, and the sad thing is... I have let it. Lack of motivation and apathy had never been problems until college, but last night, I realized something. After giving this dude a broner over my shoulders and physique, this bro approached me and demanded why I don't play sports... I had no answer for that. I tell people that competitive sports is behind me, but that's not true. I am scared to fail at something I have always been successful in. Shit changes and you have to adapt, if not you will run hypotheticals through your head and be haunted by the glory days. It's about time to pull my head out of my ass and be passionate, sitting back and letting things happen haven't gotten me anything. Let this be the rebirth.