Saturday, May 9, 2009

Looking Back...

Sorry to all my followers for the inactivity on my blog. When I say I am sorry to my followers, I mean I am sorry Swain, but for some reason I have a strong urge to blog. I am laying here in my bed at 1 am. My house in Vancouver is silent and everything is still. I feel as I pound away at the keys of my laptop, there is the possibility of me waking up my entire family. It is a Friday night and I am home and in bed completely sober. I have not had a Friday night where I haven’t been “funified” (that’s for you Rabbit Slayer) in quite awhile. I am laying here, unable to sleep because of all the various thoughts running through the head. When I left Pullman for the six hour car ride to Vancouver, I only could think of one thing: Pullman.
You can knock on Pullman for being in the middle of nowhere, but who would have thought such a small town could be that important to me. In just one year, Pullman has introduced me to new people, began to show me who I really am, and has given me an idea what the hell I want to do with my life. I am truly blessed to have spent an entire year at Washington State and to have had the experiences I had. Seeing everything WSU has done for me in my first year, it has gotten me truly excited for next year and the years following, where the cluster kids and I can enjoy each other’s company outside of Joe Choi’s and Stimson’s watchful eyes.
Though dorm life has had its ups and downs, I cannot knock it completely. Like Arne mentioned in his latest post, the dorms have given me an opportunity to begin friendships that I can see last a lifetime. I love the cluster kids and everything we experienced. Whether it be first semester enjoying the arguments of Jonny and Brendan, playing flag football and getting our ass kicked by the Mushy Jams in the playoffs, and just the overall experience of having Brian Swain as a roommate, or even second semester, with addition of Jeff Hanes and Ellie and the incorporation of Haley and Lindsay, it has been a blast. I loved every second of it, even DJ BJ’s line: BLOW UP.
The last month of school was probably the best month of the school year. Things really began to fall in place. As I packed this week, or as I should say, as my mom packed my stuff today in my dorm, I began to feel something that I felt when I initially left Vancouver for Pullman. I felt a sense of leaving my comfort zone, and the sense of time just running at a pace that I could not keep up with. Sadly enough, I grew attached to Stimson as a home, and it really saddened me to see all the posters off the wall and the couch not on milk crates. But, what is more of a bummer is the fact that time is not slowing down. Sadly friends, we are one year removed from high school and if you look at life daily you really notice no change from day to day, but if you look back to August or even to last month, a ton has changed. Don’t let time consume you, enjoy the moment because I know I am enjoying mine.


  1. True words, dozer. I'm experiencing similar feelings right now. Mild withdrawals from my comfort zone.. But I'm still excited to see more of you this summer. Or at least bump into you in random Starbuckses.

  2. . . . . and scrubs is over :'(

  3. Mike. Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. I feel/felt VERY much the same. I'm stoked to be gone from Stimson but I'm going to miss being able to walk through the bathroom and see what Ben was up to, or just going across the hall and just walking into Joe and Dustin's room. Or, my personal favorite, walking down the hall and having to knock on the door for 5 minutes until someone either thought it wasn't funny to ignore me anymore or that someone found two seconds that the could spare adverting their gaze away from the t.v.. Seriously though, I'm going to miss having all previously mentioned parties in such a close proximity. I dreaded the day I had to leave Pullman, not just because it meant the school year was over, but because it meant that I had to spend serious time away from some of the most amazing people I have ever met and that when I came back, even after only a few short months, things will have changed. For example: The playground. All my girls are splitting up. Monika and Kaitlin are only a couple blocks at most away from each other but Amanda is kind of removed from it all. That was my home away from home*. (*The latter "home referring to Room 206). Life sucks. We should all just move out there and never leave*. (*Not a serious statement the sentiment is sincere).

    P.S. Swain, don't talk about that. I literally cried during that episode (say what you will but I'm keeping it real). Carla and JD embracing, that last heart to heart between Turk, or the biggest tear-jerking moment of them all: When Cox finally reveals how he really feels about JD. Plus, just the thought of such a great show ending was saddening...
