Tuesday, February 24, 2009

There Is No Point To This

Dear Magikarp,

This post has nothing to do with anything just letting you know I am still alive. I have just been up to my neck in shit I have to do that is why I cannot post something "deep and with a point." I just finished my five page English paper in an hour. I find it hilarious that every teacher claims they can tell when you write a paper a day before and your grade will reflect that... except that has yet to happen. Maybe I am getting a little cocky, but I just feel that some things never change, in English at least.

Speaking of writing, blogspot has been adding new bloggers almost daily. It's crazy three weeks ago this was almost unheard of, but three weeks later it's the new cool thing to do. Either way, I am excited to see what new perspectives will be shared on the internet. Hopefully people stay in their element.

Oh so get this, today we found a five bedroom house to live in next year, and it was weird because there is only four of us, but we needed an extra person for that fifth bedroom. Hmmmm I wonder who would have fit that perfectly?

Oh wait that's right you are not here. In many ways, I wish you were still here. With Beej and Ben Moore's bromance and Brian Reidy as ghost... it's just weird.

Anyways man, I am done with my break. I need to start this take home test. Just letting you know my blogging career is not dead since you are my biggest fan. Thursday expect a post with some meaning. And I know you're pumped because it's not a SHARED theory of you and I, or at least not yet.


  1. Dude if only... It's a sick house. 2 kitchens and 2 laundry rooms, and 2 decks. Legit? Yes

  2. "every teacher claims they can tell when you write a paper a day before and your grade will reflect that"
    WORD. I have written a paper literally less than an hour before class, didn't read the material it was based on and got, not only 100%, but a response from the teacher saying, "It is apparent that you, not only thoroughly examined and understood the material, but carefully analyzed it with your work." Goes to show: What do these fools know?

  3. Damn, I am definitely missing out. I wish I could take that spot but I am off doing my own thing now and unfortunately that took me far away from washington state. I'm sorry about the Bromance and Reidy disappearance but in other ways I'm glad I didn't have to see it. Ignorance is bliss am I right?! I'm excited about this new, supposedly original theory haha. I'm also excited that my nickname is Magikarp. P.S. Just get a couch in this house for when I visit yo! Oh, and I think I'm coming up on my spring break for a night.

  4. Hell, I will be wanting to come chill so much, I will need a safe spot in case I get "kicked out" of my dorm room for the night.
