Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The First Time

In life you only get one opportunity for a first time. You only get one first kiss, one first relationship, one first semester of college, etc. You really hold a special place in your heart for all those things or experiences you can coin as "your first." Along with all those things I believe your first car should be held in that soft spot of you heart... Well it will for me I guess.

For weeks my parents had been stringing me along telling me that when I come home for spring break in a couple weeks, the Buick (who has been in the shop since Thanksgiving Break) would be fixed. Not only would it be fixed, but ready to make the trek to Pullman and provide me with another 3+ years of memories in college.

That was all a lie. Deep down I knew the Buick was dead and had been since Thanksgiving, but I was in denial. I was still in denial a couple hours ago and optimistic, until I skyped with my parents and told me that it's done.

Hearing the words "it's done" has been ringing in my head for hours. Since that conversation with my parents I have been doing what is commonly done when good things for you come to an end... Reminisce.

I will miss that white, peeling paint that made it resemble a boat. I will miss that spacious interior that included the bench seats in the front. I will miss that drooping roof that annoyingly touched the top of my head. It's funny that when you don't have something you loved so much, you even begin to miss and appreciate everything, even the flaws. I will miss riding around in it blasting music, feeling like I was straight out of GTA San Andreas" (Direct quote from Aaron Bagherpour after riding in the Buick for the first time).

Overall, I will just miss the Buick. I will never get to have another first car, and I am glad that you were my first. We had some good times, and they will never be forgotten. I cant't help but feel with the death of the Buick, is the death to an era of my life. RIP Buick and the era you represent, hello new era...


  1. this is a sad day indeed . . . . .

  2. I dig it dude. When my first car got totaled I was soooooo sad. I hated that fucker that killed my Camry. That was until I found my next car. It was pretty much an exact replica of my last car, only a year younger, about 95 thousand less miles, and drove a little better too. All in all, it was a blessing in disguise and that car kind of helped ease the pain of the last one, but I will always remember my '94 Forest Green Camry with loving memories. Letting friends stitch on to the back while they were on their skateboards, ghostriding the Camry, rolling around Tacoma with my sub in the back (I think I may be the only person this day to have an actual system in their Camry...). All in all, I can relate.

  3. Dude, so many memories in the that car. It will always bring up so many things to talk about. RIP Buick as well as those forever solid comfy bench seats.

  4. This story reminds of a few years back before la salle, before those glorious days riding in the buick.

    When I was a kid I used to spend summers on my uncle's farm. And he had this plow horse he used to work with everyday. He really loved that plow horse. One summer she came up lame. It could barely stand. The vet offered to put her down. You know what my uncle said?

    He said, why would I ask somebody else to kill a horse that belonged to me?

    your parents should let you keep the buick, it belongs to you.
